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About Us

Purple Martin Studio is a landscape architecture studio established by Theresa Wymer in 2020. We are inspired by the interconnectedness of people and the natural environment. We approach every project with an attention to detail in order to best fulfill our clients' needs while promoting habitat and ecosystem balance. Our work spans across the state of Florida and includes single and multi-family residential and commercial projects. We have a deep understanding of the ecosystems of Florida and understand the intricacies of following the codes of different municipalities.

Because of our love of design with focusing on non-human clients, we participated in the Creature Design Competition through the Weitzman School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania. The purpose was to choose a non-human creature as the client and try to improve the client's life through the design. Our team chose the purple martin bird as a client and created interactive housing branches to construct throughout different communities in the State of Florida to promote habitat and conservation education. We loved this project and were inspired to name the company after the purple martin.

The Story Behind Our Name

Our Team.

Theresa Wymer
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Matthew Wagshol
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